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What are SERP Features? Popular SERP feature types lately

Digital Content



SERP features, also known as search engine results page features, are elements that appear on search engine results pages aside from the traditional organic listings. Up to now, there are various types of SERP Features, so what is the purpose of them and how do they help the websites?

What are SERP Features?

Search engine results page (SERP) features are different components that show up on the page, apart from the regular organic listings. These functions are intended to give users rapid and simple access to the information they’re looking for.

Featured snippets, knowledge panels, local packs, and video carousels are among the most popular SERP elements. Users may obtain a variety of information from each of these elements, including visual material and answers to inquiries.

Businesses and digital marketers may boost exposure and improve traffic to their websites by learning about the various SERP characteristics and how to optimize for them.

What are SERP features?

What are SERP features?

17 most important SERP Features

Featured Snippet

A “Featured Snippet” is a special type of search result that appears at the top of the search engine results page (SERP) and provides a concise and direct answer to the user’s query. It is also known as “position zero” since it appears before all other search results.

A brief overview of the response to the user’s question, the information’s original source, and a link to the page containing the information are usually included in the Featured Snippet. An picture or a list with bullets is frequently included with the snippet to help people rapidly scan and comprehend the content.

Because featured snippets may significantly boost exposure and increase traffic to websites, they are widely sought after by SEO experts and website owners. Nevertheless, producing excellent, pertinent material that succinctly and clearly responds to user inquiries is necessary to obtain a Featured Snippet.

Local Pack

It displays a group of local businesses related to the user’s search query. It typically appears as a map and a list of three local businesses that are geographically close to the user.

Local Pack is an important SERP feature for businesses that rely on local customers, such as restaurants, retailers, and service providers. It provides an opportunity for these businesses to showcase their products or services, as well as their physical location, contact information, and reviews.

The Local Pack feature is triggered by certain keywords, such as “near me,” “in [city name],” or “near [landmark or attraction].” To appear in the Local Pack, businesses need to optimize their website and Google My Business profile, which includes providing accurate and complete information about their business, such as their address, phone number, hours of operation, and customer reviews.

Featured snippets are common SERP features

Featured snippets are common SERP features


Online companies depend on reviews in SERP features because they offer social proof and assist prospective customers in making well-informed judgments about whether to buy a product or utilize a service. Because they show the authority and legitimacy of a website or company, reviews are also a significant ranking element for search engines.


The “Sitelink” SERP feature displays additional links to a website’s pages directly beneath the main search result. These links are called Sitelinks and are typically displayed in a row or column format.

Sitelinks are designed to help users quickly navigate a website and find the information they need without having to click through multiple pages. They are typically displayed for branded searches or for websites that have a strong hierarchy and clear structure.


The “Videos” SERP feature displays video content related to the user’s search query directly in the search results. Videos can be featured in a variety of formats, including thumbnails, carousel, and video snippets.

For companies and content producers who want to show off their videos to a larger audience, videos in SERP features are crucial. They may boost engagement, bring in additional visitors to their website or video platform, and provide consumers an alternate method of consuming content.

Top Stories

The “Top Stories” SERP feature displays the most recent and relevant news articles related to the user’s search query. This feature typically appears at the top of the search results and displays a carousel of news articles, along with the article’s title, source, and date.

The Top Stories feature is important for users looking for the latest news and information on a particular topic. It is also a valuable SERP feature for news publishers and journalists since it can increase their visibility and drive more traffic to their website.

Sitelinks are useful SERP features

Sitelinks are useful SERP features


The “Images” SERP feature displays a variety of relevant images related to the user’s search query. This feature typically appears in a grid or carousel format and includes a thumbnail image, title, and source.

Images in SERP features are important for businesses and content creators looking to showcase their visual content to a broader audience. They can drive more traffic to their website or image platform, increase engagement, and provide an alternative way for users to consume information.

Knowledge panel

The “Knowledge Panel” SERP feature shows an extensive synopsis of data pertaining to a certain topic, like a person, location, or company. This feature offers a range of information, such as pictures, descriptions, facts, and related searches, and it usually shows up on the right side of the search results.

An essential SERP feature for consumers searching for precise and fast information on a certain subject is the Knowledge Panel. Additionally, it is a useful tool for companies and organizations as it may boost their reputation and exposure while giving customers a single point of contact for brand-related information.


The “FAQs” SERP feature displays frequently asked questions related to the user’s search query, along with corresponding answers. This feature typically appears in an accordion format, allowing users to easily expand and collapse each question and answer.

Businesses and content producers who want to give visitors quick and simple access to solutions to frequently asked questions could leverage FAQs included in SERP features. They can also aid in raising the visibility and click-through rates of a website since people are more inclined to click on search results that offer the precise information they want.

People Also Ask (PAA)

The “People Also Ask” (PAA) SERP feature displays a set of related questions related to the user’s search query, which can be expanded to reveal corresponding answers. This feature typically appears below the featured snippet and can include anywhere from one to several questions.

PAA in SERP features is important for users looking for additional information related to their search query. It also provides businesses and content creators with an opportunity to address related topics and drive more traffic to their website.

Related Searches

The “Related Searches” SERP feature displays a set of related search queries related to the user’s initial search query. This feature typically appears at the bottom of the search results page and can include anywhere from one to several related queries.

Related Searches in SERP features are important for users looking for additional information related to their initial search query. It can also provide businesses and content creators with an opportunity to address related topics and drive more traffic to their website.

Google Flights Block

“Google Flights Block” displays a block of flight options related to the user’s search query, along with corresponding prices, dates, and airlines. This Google SERP feature typically appears at the top of the search results page and can include multiple flights for the user to choose from.

The Google Flights Block is important for users looking to book flights quickly and easily. It can also provide airlines and travel companies with an opportunity to increase their visibility and drive more traffic to their website.

SERP features are displayed at advantageous positions

SERP features are displayed at advantageous positions

Hotel Pack

The “Hotel Pack” SERP feature displays a block of hotel options related to the user’s search query, along with corresponding prices, ratings, and amenities. This feature typically appears at the top of the search results page and can include multiple hotels for the user to choose from.

The Hotel Pack is important for users looking to book hotels quickly and easily. It can also provide hotel companies and travel agencies with an opportunity to increase their visibility and drive more traffic to their website.

Job Listings

The “Job Listings” SERP feature displays a block of job openings related to the user’s search query, along with corresponding job titles, companies, and locations. This feature typically appears at the top or bottom of the search results page and can include multiple job openings for the user to choose from.

The Job Listings SERP feature is important for job seekers looking for employment opportunities quickly and easily. It can also provide companies and recruiters with an opportunity to increase their visibility and drive more traffic to their website.

Google Ads

On the SERP, Google will display both organic search results and ads, with the ads at the very top. There will be up to four ads displayed at the top, and these will be determined by a variety of factors, namely relevance and bid value of the business on the keywords.

This is one of the most notable Google SERP features as it is prominently displayed at the very top. Businesses will need proper planning and a well thought out strategy to target their preferred keywords and bid on them for the ads. If used effectively, Google ads can tremendously improve a site’s traffic and potential conversion.

Shopping Ads

The “Shopping Ads” SERP feature displays a block of product listings related to the user’s search query, along with corresponding prices, ratings, and stores where the product is available. This feature typically appears at the top of the search results page and can include multiple products for the user to choose from.

Shopping Ads are important for users looking to buy products quickly and easily. They also provide retailers with an opportunity to increase their visibility and drive more traffic to their online store.

Rich Snippets

The “Rich Snippets” SERP feature provides users with more detailed information related to their search query, including ratings, reviews, pricing, and availability. This feature is designed to enhance the user’s search experience by providing more context and relevant information directly in the search results.

Rich snippets are important for businesses looking to increase their online visibility and drive more traffic to their website. By using structured data markup, businesses can help search engines understand their website’s content and provide more detailed and informative search results.

Google ads can also be considered a SERP feature

Google ads can also be considered a SERP feature

What makes SERP features crucial?

Because they give users more thorough and educational search results, SERP features are essential to improving their search experience. In addition, they provide companies and website owners the chance to boost their internet presence and attract more visitors, which could result in new business and income.

Businesses can boost their chances of ranking well in search results, enhancing their online presence, and drawing in more potential clients by optimizing their website and content for SERP characteristics. In the end, this aids companies in expanding and prospering in the current digital economy.

How can I find out which SERP features my site has?

Using various SEO tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz. These tools can analyze your website’s search performance and provide a detailed report on which SERP features your site has appeared in, and which ones you can optimize for better results.

How to inspect SERP features of your competition

SEO tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz can also tell whether your competitors’ sites have SERP features or not by conducting a search engine results page (SERP) analysis. These tools can provide a detailed report on which SERP features your competitors’ sites have appeared in, and which ones you can target for better search visibility.

Learn more about the SERP features of your site with tools

Learn more about the SERP features of your site with tools

Learn more: What are some effective SEO tools to help you utilize the SERP features?

Final Thoughts

In today’s digital marketplace, SERP features are essential for improving user experience and giving businesses a chance to get more exposure online and draw in new clients.

Businesses may greatly increase their search visibility, increase website traffic, and eventually expand their business by optimizing their website and content for SERP characteristics. To make sure that your website remains relevant and visible to potential clients, it is imperative that you stay up to date with the constantly changing search landscape and the newest trends in SERP features.

SEO services of On Digitals can help you take advantage of these SERP features and propel your way to a more prominent position on the results page. Contact On Digitals and start growing your websites.

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