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Telemarketing Services

Reach Out to Your Customers

Telemarketing is a bit of a lost art form in modern marketing. As businesses make the switch to social media or KOL marketing to foster positive connections with consumers, telemarketing still manages to maintain its stability for B2B businesses. So should you utilize telemarketing services for your business?

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The answer is yes.

Telemarketing service allows a business to present viable solutions for their prospects and customers directly.

This proactive approach has major potential for success if you go at it the right way.
Over the years, this sector has come under scrutiny for being an intrusive and possibly ineffective marketing method. However, there must be a good reason why it is still standing despite recent developments in the industry suggesting otherwise.

So what is the right way and is it possible to yield positive results with telemarketing? On Digitals’ telemarketing service can provide you with all the necessary solutions to implement an effective campaign and help your brand make a positive impression.

Contact On Digitals today and let us help you nourish positive connections with your potential and existing customers.


are On Digitals’ telemarketing clients?

Acquiring visitors and ensuring their attendance for an exhibition is no easy feat, and On Digitals have partnered with Meorient to enhance the effectiveness of the China Homelife exhibition in Vietnam through telemarketing.

Scope of work: Telemarketing and SMS Marketing


telemarketing call types
do On Digitals support?

Our telemarketing services handle outbound calls or calls from agents to customers. The purpose of telemarketing calls varies but they generally belong to these three groups:


Lead generation

Also known as market research calls, they aim to check or collect information from a potential customer. Should the call go well, there will usually be an invitation to a future event or some sort of minor discount provided for direct selling opportunities later on.



This is the type that most people associate with telemarketing. These calls can be extremely effective with an approach that prioritizes customer service.


Customer service

This includes follow-up or support calls for existing customers to nurture the relationship between them and the business.


are Telemarketing services to On Digitals?

The entire idea is calling customers and presenting products to them directly. However, due to its ease of implementation, Telemarketing has been utilized as a hard-sell tactic. Some establishments resort to spamming and aggressive pitching to convert leads, but they mostly end up leaving a bad taste in consumers’ mouths.

To rectify the public perception of this sector, On Digitals provides a comprehensive service package to enable businesses to execute a successful telemarketing campaign.


We think of Telemarketing as an affordable and versatile solution that can do wonders for the business-consumer relationship, given that businesses have already acquired the essential data for their marketing process. Telemarketing service can find its place in some major industries such as automotive, event coordinating, real estate, finance, education by enhancing a business’ customer service quality while nurturing leads and nourishing existing customers.

Telemarketing requires considerable human resources, making it one of the most commonly outsourced marketing sectors. However, relinquishing complete control may not sound appealing to some businesses. Regarding this problem, you can rest assured that our service aims to deliver top-tier customer service while maintaining the business’ original direction and standards.


is On Digitals an ideal choice
for your next Telemarketing campaign?

Telemarketing proves to be one of the go-to choices for businesses, which leads to many agencies providing Telemarketing outsourcing services. As a Vietnam-based marketing agency, On Digitals has learned a thing or two to polish our telemarketing service.

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1.Engaging content

What does engaging content mean in Telemarketing? The answer still depends on the target customer demographics but it is not similar to other marketing methods. For example, utilizing trending materials may work for young demographics on social media channels but opening a call with a similar phrase can backfire.

On Digitals’ Telemarketing scripts can be described with three words: courteous, straightforward, and unique. The nature of this method is already somewhat intrusive, so it is vital to convince consumers that you will not waste their time. Our method involves simply introducing yourself and telling the customers what you offer in an appealing but not aggressive manner.
In other cases like customer-initiated calls or customer support, the pressure is partially alleviated because consumers will have more patience. With that being said, these are the perfect opportunities to display your commitment to improving user experience. Again, sticking to the three key values, On Digitals will assist your business in writing excellent telemarketing scripts.

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2.Intensive training

Telemarketing is highly unpredictable, so we can only plan for greetings and other formalities. The remainder of the call is all up to the call center agents and their adaptability.
On Digitals will take on the task of training these agents and helping them know more about the business, consumers, and overall Telemarketing etiquette. The training program is customized to the business, ensuring these agents will become capable brand representatives.

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3.Hands-on management

Most businesses are reluctant to venture into Telemarketing due to the lack of control over brand representation. Management can be a tall order for businesses, especially if they do not have a designated team for the job.
That is where On Digitals comes in. Our Telemarketing service includes monitoring the agents’ performances, keeping track of engagement and conversion metrics, and reporting to our clients.

Thanks to the dynamic nature of Telemarketing, it is easy to implement changes. This is why On Digitals can easily make adjustments to the campaign for optimized results.


does On Digitals execute
a standard telemarketing campaign?

Go in-depth and have a closer look at how On Digitals put together a successful telemarketing campaign.



There are 5 major stages in a standard telemarketing marketing project:

Step 1


After receiving a collaboration proposal from a client, On Digitals will begin by learning about their industry, mission, products, branding, customer base, and competition. Afterward, we will move on to the pitching stage, where the client shall propose their objectives and requirements for the project.

Additionally, market research is another indispensable step in any of our campaigns, giving us an idea of how to approach our client’s target customers.

Step 2

Building call lists

Before getting into brainstorming marketing strategies, On Digitals will first help you decide who to call. Compiling a call list requires businesses to single out fitting targets that will be open to receiving information about their products or promotions.

Most of the time, this information is willingly provided by the consumers from their previous experiences with the business. Fortunately, there are more ways than one to incentivize consumers to provide their contact information, which can be sorted into these groups:

  • Organic digital leads: On Digitals considers this to be the highest-quality and most common source. However, it can take quite some time and effort to become a reliable source, since businesses need to play the long game with SEO, social media marketing, etc.
  • Event participation: For enterprises with a considerable budget, hosting or sponsoring events is a great shout to gather information. Your networking skills will be the deciding factor in lead quality. Have a look at On Digitals’ event marketing service to learn more.
  • Digital tool findings: This method is predominantly for B2B projects since only company credentials are available on public databases. Still, it provides more than enough to be considered a primary source of information for list building.

On Digitals shall use all three of these sources and more to compile a call list. After finishing, we will run it by our client multiple times to gauge their input.

Note: Working with telemarketing list brokers is a surefire way to obtain a quick contact list. However, its quality leaves a lot to be desired.

Step 3

Writing scripts and setting guidelines

Before getting into brainstorming marketing strategies, On Digitals will first help you decide who to call. Compiling a call list requires businesses to single out fitting targets that will be open to receiving information about their products or promotions.

Most of the time, this information is willingly provided by the consumers from their previous experiences with the business. Fortunately, there are more ways than one to incentivize consumers to provide their contact information, which can be sorted into these groups:

  • Organic digital leads: On Digitals considers this to be the highest-quality and most common source. However, it can take quite some time and effort to become a reliable source, since businesses need to play the long game with SEO, social media marketing, etc.
  • Event participation: For enterprises with a considerable budget, hosting or sponsoring events is a great shout to gather information. Your networking skills will be the deciding factor in lead quality. Have a look at On Digitals’ event marketing service to learn more.
  • Digital tool findings: This method is predominantly for B2B projects since only company credentials are available on public databases. Still, it provides more than enough to be considered a primary source of information for list building.

On Digitals shall use all three of these sources and more to compile a call list. After finishing, we will run it by our client multiple times to gauge their input.

Note: Working with telemarketing list brokers is a surefire way to obtain a quick contact list. However, its quality leaves a lot to be desired.

Step 4


Before stepping into operation, call agents will need to undergo a training program where they will obtain knowledge about the business and its customers, call scripts, telemarketing rules and etiquette, and company policies.

Generally, the training period will last for a few weeks, depending on the company’s requirements. There will also be a trial period for prospects to test the waters and see how they fare in realistic operation. As the program concludes, the qualified trainees determined by the business and On Digitals will continue working as an agent.

Step 5


One of the greatest things about telemarketing is that the metrics are easily measurable, simplifying the reporting process. After every periodic evaluation, On Digitals will send in a report to the client with the following metrics:

  • Calls: The number of calls made and answered (per day or agent)
  • Sales: Sales per agent or hours
  • Appointments: Appointments made per day or agent
  • Time: Average call duration

These four are only for reference purposes as we can also track other metrics. All in all, the reports will show our clients how effective the agents and scripts are and if they are on par with the KPIs.

Note: After receiving a call from an unknown number, users may see a pop-up notification from their network operators (Viettel, Mobifone, or Vinaphone) asking whether the previous call was for advertising and if they want to block that number. This is why businesses should be aware of consumer behaviors and provide them with important information with these calls.


about Telemarketing services

What are the benefits of telemarketing for my business?

Are telemarketing and telesales the same service?

Are cold calling services legal in Vietnam?

Will my customers’ information be secured?

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