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How to Improve Product Page SEO on E-commerce Sites




Unlock the secrets to skyrocketing your online store’s visibility with our comprehensive guide on enhancing product page SEO. In this article, On Digitals will unveil 10 tips and pitfalls to elevate your products high atop search engine rankings. Dive in and embark on the journey to master the art of SEO and dominate the digital marketplace.

5 Product Page SEO for E-commerce

Product page SEO is one of the key aspects of search engine optimization, focusing on the e-commerce side of retail. As this sector is seeing exponential growth, allocating your time and resources to it will put you in a prime position for success. Here are 5 of the best tips for product page SEO.

Optimizing Keywords, Titles & Meta Descriptions

Keywords, titles, and meta descriptions are crucial for the visibility and click-through rate of your website or web pages.

The foundation of optimizing product pages lies in conducting effective keyword research. When doing this, you need to focus on product-related topics that users are actively searching for. Instead of fixating solely on search volume, prioritize relevance and potential for conversion.

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Fine-tuning your keyword strategy

Utilize data from other channels, such as paid search, to inform your keyword and topic research. Additionally, consider incorporating high click-through rate (CTR) ad copy into meta descriptions.

Given the transactional intent of product pages, it is crucial to optimize them for potential buyers actively seeking to make purchases. A specific product search, such as “Iphone VN/A and LLA,” is a strong indicator of a user’s readiness to buy.

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Optimizing Title and Meta Description


  • Keep titles concise and compelling. Aim for around 50-60 characters to ensure they are fully displayed in search results.
  • Include your primary target keyword naturally in the title to signal the topic of your content.
  • Add the product’s brand, which may also include your distinctive trademark.

Meta Description:

  • Write unique meta descriptions for each page of your website. Avoid duplicating them as it can lead to confusion in search results.
  • Keep meta descriptions between 150-160 characters to ensure they appear properly in search snippets.
  • Include your target keyword in the meta description, preferably near the beginning, to improve keyword prominence.
  • A compelling meta description will entice users to click through to your page. Think of it like a written digital sales pitch, as it should summarize the content and highlight its value effectively.

Never Duplicate Product and Meta Descriptions

The significance of avoiding duplicate product descriptions cannot be overstated. It is a huge missed opportunity when e-commerce sites use the same description for all their products.

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Do not duplicate product’s meta description

To fully take advantage of product page SEO benefits, each item should rank for both branded and non-branded keywords. For that to happen, you need to give them distinctive descriptions. Valuable and relevant information can increase the likelihood of customers clicking on your listings, resulting in more traffic and sales.

Add useful FAQs and share authentic customer reviews

Creating high-quality content that fulfills users’ needs is essential for achieving a prominent position in search engine results pages (SERPs). If your content fails to provide value to users, it can lead to high bounce rates and customers refusing to make purchases.

Many category and product pages often lack optimized content and a FAQ section with structured data markup. Instead, they heavily rely on user-generated content (UGC), which can be a detrimental approach.

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Add FAQs for optimizing user experience

Imagine a situation where a customer has specific questions but prefers not to interact with a chatbot or customer service.

In such cases, a well-constructed FAQ section that addresses common user queries can significantly improve user experience and help customers easily find the information they seek. This not only benefits the individual user but also enhances the overall customer experience for others as well.

Having customer reviews on product pages can lead to a significant increase in conversions, with a boost of 52.2% compared to pages without. This makes it a clear and straightforward decision to include customer testimonials.

Genuine feedback from customers who have actually used your products carries immense weight for potential buyers currently considering their purchases. In these testimonials, allow your customers to share their experiences and how your products have helped them.

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Customer reviews help build trust

Reviews also play a vital role in building trust, particularly if you have endorsements from reputable celebrities or influential figures. Additionally, reviews provide fresh and unique content, which is what search engines like Google value highly.

To make the most of customer reviews, use appropriate schema markup to ensure that search engines can properly understand and display the reviews in search results.

Set up Landing Page and reduce Page Loading Times

Optimizely and Google Optimize offer user-friendly methods to conduct thorough testing of minor changes within product pages. It is highly recommended to utilize these tools to determine the most effective setup for your pages.

Simple adjustments, such as relocating the call-to-action button, have the potential to significantly increase conversions. Experimenting with different page layouts enables you to identify the optimal configuration that maximizes sales and supports your business goals.

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Utilizing tools to get an effective setup landing page

Ensuring mobile compatibility is essential for product page SEO due to the increasing number of consumers browsing with mobile devices. Fast-loading webpages not only presents your content to your target audience more swiftly but also enhances the overall user experience. This, in turn, can lead to higher sales, increased revenue, and more pages viewed per session.

Moreover, optimizing for mobile provides a competitive advantage and helps reduce bounce rates. Aim to achieve a loading time of three seconds or less for an optimal mobile experience.

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Optimal mobile experience

Utilize Premium Visual Elements

One of the disadvantages of online shopping is the inability to physically interact with or test the products being considered. However, high-quality visual elements can bridge this gap by offering valuable information to potential buyers, instilling confidence in their decisions.

For example, Lazada’s landing page for the tumbler product provided an exceptional user experience. It features informative images showing all the available colors for purchase as well as important policies. As users are spoilt for choice, this comprehensive approach allows users to choose what they prefer the most.

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Lazada’s Product display

5 Mistakes in E-commerce Product Page SEO

Much like any other aspects of SEO, product page SEO poses many challenges alongside its opportunities. Mistakes in your strategies will not only negate your efforts but may also worsen the situation. Pay attention to these five key mistakes and more:

Choose Manufacturer-Sourced Content Over Unique Product Descriptions

One of the most frequent errors observed in SEO for e-commerce product page is the use of uninspiring manufacturer descriptions that lack vital customer information. It is essential to dedicate time to create more informative and captivating descriptions.

Detailed information can significantly impact visibility and search rankings. Additionally, it is crucial to avoid duplicate content, as it can harm your SEO endeavors.

Also, as discussed above, authentic descriptions tend to resonate with customers more and encourage them to make purchases.

Delete Your Seasonal Pages Once the Peak Period Ends

One common product page SEO mistake observed among brands is the removal of seasonal pages after the peak period. While it may seem logical, it can result in a constant uphill battle each year to regain the necessary authority for rankings on seasonal terms.

Moreover, by the time this process is repeated annually, it may already be too late to make a significant impact. If you have a seasonal product page that has earned rankings, traffic, and sales over time, it is best that you do not remove it.

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Shopee’s Tet seasonal URL

A notable example is Shopee, which maintains a dedicated Tet Sieu Sale URL that continuously gains authority over the years. This allows Shopee to update the page as the peak Tet season approaches, ensuring it remains relevant and effective.

Remove Out-of-Stock Pages

Products occasionally experience temporary unavailability, particularly during challenging supply chain situations. It is essential to maintain live URLs for product page SEO of these items, especially ones with rankings and traffic.

Although this approach may seem counterintuitive, it proves to be more profitable than detrimental. Keeping these pages active allows you to include links to other relevant products, essentially buying time until the out-of-stock item is available again.

This ensures a better user experience, preserves SEO efforts, and maximizes the potential for continued sales and customer engagement.

Set the Wrong Price

A lack of an appropriate pricing strategy can deter consumers from making purchases and erode trust in your brand. This is particularly evident when prices surge for highly demanded products.

Remember, finding the right pricing balance is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adaptation. Look into market trends, customer preferences, and your goals to set appropriate prices and avoid this product page SEO mistake.

Optimize for Mobile Users

The emergence of e-commerce platforms like Shopee and Lazada kickstarted a new concept of online shopping. As more people are using mobile apps, optimizing for mobile shopping is crucial for product page SEO.

In 2023, the number of smartphone users worldwide is projected to reach 6.92 billion, growing at an annual rate of 4.2%.

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Optimizing for Mobile Users

Mobile shopping apps and websites are increasingly popular and represent the most prominent trend in e-commerce. Many retail brands across various industries are investing in building and developing their own e-commerce apps and sites.

This not only helps businesses increase conversion rates and sales but also enhances the shopping experience for customers. They can easily search for products and complete purchases directly on their mobile phones.

Read more: What does a good meta description need to have?

Final thoughts

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, mastering product page SEO is a game-changer. These ten essential tips will hopefully help you take significant strides towards boosting your online store’s visibility and success.

SEO is an ongoing journey, and staying attuned to the latest trends and best practices will keep your e-commerce business ahead of the curve. With dedication and diligence, your product pages can drive more traffic, conversions, and ultimately, success for your brand.

If you are facing challenges in improving your site interface on multiple platforms, do not hesitate to find some assistance. On Digitals is a Digital Agency that provides various digital marketing services, which can assist you in this aspect. Feel free to contact us now to explore the opportunity of collaborating with you on upcoming projects.

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