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The big picture of social media marketing in Vietnam

Digital Content



Social media marketing in Vietnam is at the forefront of the marketing industry thanks to the increased consumption of multiple user demographics. For that reason, it has become an indispensable tool in the overarching digital marketing strategies of businesses in all industries. To further your understanding of this marketing method, find out more about its development, benefits, and best practices.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing involves utilizing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other services to carry out marketing activities. The primary objective of this approach is to establish and maintain a positive interaction with both current and potential customers. From this, social media marketing in Vietnam builds brand awareness, increases engagement, boosts sales revenue, and creates business value.

What is social media marketing?

What is social media marketing?

With social media platforms, businesses can share diverse content such as images, videos, articles, news, and information about products/services. This form of marketing offers a two-way interaction opportunity, enabling businesses to directly engage with customers through comments, private messages, and other forms of communication.

This approach brings forth numerous benefits, from enhancing brand awareness, trust, and customer relationships to swiftly capturing market feedback. However, to succeed in social media marketing, businesses need to thoroughly understand the characteristics of each platform, how to interact with specific customer segments, and maintain a reliable strategy.

Benefits of social media marketing in Vietnam

Social media marketing is a popular communication method adopted by businesses nowadays. Join On Digitals to uncover the benefits that this approach can bring to businesses.

Enhancing brand recognition

Brand recognition is a key objective that any business aspires to achieve. Social media enables enterprises to reach a significant number of potential users, thereby creating brand recognition and increasing brand recall.

Social media marketing is tremendous for brand awareness

Social media marketing in Vietnam is tremendous for brand awareness

This marketing technique has greater potential for development compared to traditional ones. The reason is simple, it allows your brand to easily reach users even without prior interest.

Simplifying interactions to build relationships

Social networks facilitate direct interaction with customers through comments, messages, and other forms of response. This helps build closer relationships and demonstrates care for customers.

Large potential customer base and increased conversion rate

Regularly sharing valuable and high-quality content on social media is a way to introduce the brand and attract potential customers. If your content resonates with users, they are more inclined to visit your fan pages, which consequently enhances conversion rates and boosts sales. Moreover, your website traffic can also benefit from this growth if you decide to include it on your fan pages.

Creating engaging content

Social media platforms are home to all sorts of content, such as images, videos, and articles. This diversity gives businesses the option to switch up the delivery of their promotional messages. By doing so, you instill curiosity in customers, inviting them to check out what you have to say.

Effective tracking and evaluation

In the era where analytics, metrics speak louder than anything else. This advertising method lets marketers monitor interactions, reach, engagement of specific advertisements to a tee. The data collected should then be evaluated to see their relevance to current trends and areas of improvement.

Collecting customer insight data

Customer insights play a crucial role in all of marketing, and social media is where it is most evident. Brands can gain a deeper understanding of customer behaviors, identifying desires, needs, and more. Based on said insights, businesses will have to tailor their strategy to meet the demands of users.

The development of social media marketing in Vietnam

The evolution of social media marketing in Vietnam has undergone a series of significant phases. Let’s take a look the journey from its infancy to the astronomical strides it has taken today

Vietnam is seeing an emergence of social media

Vietnam is seeing an emergence of social media

Initial approach to the public (2000s – early 2010s): During this period, the first social networks like Zing Mek and Yume emerged, establishing a foundation for online communities. However, the concept of social media marketing was still relatively novel and underutilized.

Facebook and the revitalization of the social media concept (mid-2010s): Facebook swiftly evolved into the primary platform for user engagement and online advertising. Businesses in Vietnam began to recognize the potential of utilizing this platform to build their brands and engage with customers.

Platform diversification (Late 2010s – early 2020s): Alongside Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn also gained popularity as prominent platforms for Social Media Marketing in Vietnam. This development provided numerous opportunities for businesses to reach a diverse range of customer demographics.

Integration of shopping and advertising (early 2020s): Direct shopping functionalities on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram introduced a new marketing channel. Businesses could display their products as well as pricing and ordering information within posts and advertisements.

Rise of video content and livestreaming (Present): Video content has become a pivotal element in Vietnam’s social media marketing strategy. Livestreaming has also gained traction, enabling businesses to directly interact with customers and foster a more firsthand connection.

Optimization and analysis (Present): Businesses are concentrating on optimizing advertising campaigns and content based on data analysis. A clear understanding of the target audience and the effectiveness of various campaigns aids enterprises in performance efficiency and resource allocation.

Online business is favored by many recently

Online business is favored by many recently

The significance of social media marketing in Vietnam

Social media has been playing a crucial role in contemporary brand building. One distinctive advantage is the massive user base. Various social media platforms provide businesses with diverse avenues to enhance brand awareness.

Moreover, numerous enterprises have leveraged the extensive user base of social networks to complement their SEO efforts. Through fundamental steps, brands can attach website links to their fan pages, saving valuable time for their SEO campaign.

Social media marketing helps building brands

Social media marketing helps building brands

Social media marketing is generally more budget-friendly than traditional advertising. For small and medium-sized enterprises, employing a multi-platform social media approach does not require excessive financial and personnel investment.

Furthermore, a noteworthy advantage of this marketing method is its immediate interaction capability. Social media can serve as an indirect “bridge” between enterprises and customers, fostering a sustainable relationship.

Biggest trends of social media marketing in Vietnam

The social media marketing trends in Vietnam are closely tied to changes in the market and consumer behavior. Here are some notable trends:

The hottest trends of Vietnam social media

The hottest trends of Vietnam social media

  • Video and livestreaming content: Video and livestreaming are still going strong on social media platforms. As a result, businesses in Vietnam are focusing on producing high-quality video content to evoke positive interaction from users.
  • TikTok and reels: The rise of TikTok and the introduction of Reels on Instagram have opened up a new opportunity for social media marketing. Short, creative, and vibrant videos have proven to be an effective way to connect with younger customers.
  • Educational content: Businesses often utilize social networks to share educational content related to their industries. This approach can elevate businesses to industry leaders status if executed properly.
  • Interaction and engagement: The ability to directly engage with customers through comments and questions has become a vital aspect of social media marketing. Businesses need to create regular interaction opportunities to build close relationships.
  • Original and creative content: Consumers are actively seeking more original and creative content. Therefore, businesses need to invest in telling unique, captivating, and distinctive stories to capture attention.
  • Data analysis and optimization: A focus on data analysis and campaign performance evaluation enables businesses to gain a deeper understanding of ongoing trends and make flexible strategic adjustments.
  • Direct shopping platforms: Social media-driven online shopping is the biggest trend in Vietnam. Businesses can leverage integrated direct shopping features on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to enhance convenience for customers.
  • Story ads and brief interactions: Short and swift interactive advertising formats on platforms like Instagram and Facebook Stories are gaining popularity. They create quick but effective interactions with users, fostering engagement.

Top agencies for social media marketing in Vietnam

On Digitals

On Digitals is a specialized digital marketing agency and we offer a variety of services. Among the most prominent services are SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Management, and website design. With a team of youthful yet experienced professionals with years of accumulated expertise in the field, On Digitals aims to deliver the most compelling and innovative strategies for businesses.

A list of noteworthy social media agencies in Vietnam

A list of noteworthy social media agencies in Vietnam

In terms of social media services, our agency is confident in delivering excellent social network construction and increased visibility, aligning with the commitments made to our clients. At On Digitals, our approach is geared towards a professional demeanor and style, ensuring meticulousness, dedication, and creativity. This makes us the ideal choice for clients seeking a lasting partnership built on trust.

Dentsu Redder (formerly known as Sofresh)

Dentsu Redder is an advertising and marketing company based in Vietnam. Specializing in promotional services, the company aids businesses in optimizing their strategies. Through the synergy of local market expertise and global vision, Dentsu Redder has contributed to the development of creative and effective marketing campaigns in Vietnam.

Clickmedia (part of GroupM, the no. 1 media company)

Clickmedia commenced operations in 2008, initially focusing on social media and content. This strategy was exceptionally suitable at the time as Facebook and YouTube were gaining significant traction in Vietnam, presenting a novel avenue for brands/agencies to exercise their creativity. With a remarkable team, Clickmedia has expanded its service spectrum to include Integrated Marketing Communication, Client Services, Strategic Planning, Creative, and Content.

Find out more: What does the future of digital content marketing have in store for brands?

Final thoughts

All in all, social media marketing in Vietnam continues to play a pivotal role in reshaping how businesses approach customer engagement and brand establishment. This dynamic landscape of social networks constantly evolves, requiring adaptability and innovation from businesses to stay ahead.

Through the insights about unexplored facets of social media marketing, it is evident that social media is not solely about posting content. It is an interactive process involving content creation and relationship building. Comprehending the characteristics of the local market and customers is the key to success in social media marketing in Vietnam.

If you are in search of a social media marketing agency in Vietnam, look no further than On Digitals with our experience in crafting brand images for both small and large businesses, both domestically and internationally. Get in touch with us today for an opportunity to discuss ideas and collaborate in the near future!

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